Torah and The Twelve Steps, Inc.
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Torah and The Twelve Steps, Inc.
CALL US (305) 497-9270 | 24 HOURS / ANYTIME

12 Step Audio Classes

Register for your free introduction to Kabala and Torah classes explaining each phase of the recovery process utilizing the 12 step model.

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Here is the curriculum:

Step One:
A. Self Diagnosis, symptom identification and admission.
B. Powerlessness and free-will choice.
C. What is meant by the idea of the insanity of addiction/alcoholism?
D. Unmanageability.
E. Five mistakes that lead to relapse.
F. The nature of denial and how to break it.

Step Two:
A. Coming to believe, the nature of faith.
B. Why a Higher Power, and is that Power only G-d?
C. Identifying the solution, basic concepts of the Creator.

Step Three:
A. Self-will and the actor.
B. The nature of the decision, and the meaning of the third step prayer.

Step Four:
A. The intent of the inventory and what is searching and fearless?
B. General structure and process of the inventory.
C. The roots of fear and resentments.
C. Removing resentments and fear and understanding the sex inventory.

Step Five:
A. What is confession and what is to be accomplished?
B. What is different now, and what does the exact nature of our wrongs mean?
C. Who should hear the confession?

Step Six:
A. Willingness. B. Developing a vision for the future.

Step Seven:
A. What is humility? B. Seventh Step Prayer and intent .

Step Eight:
A. The concepts behind amends and forgiveness. B. Definitions of harm.

Step Nine:
A. Making Amends to those we love. B. Making Financial Amends. C. Amends to those we can’t contact including the dead. D. Amends to society. E. The wrong way to do it.

Step Ten:
A. What’s different from the fourth step inventory? B. Truth and honesty. C. Motives.

Step Eleven:
A. What is prayer? B. Why pray, doesn’t G-d already know? C. Types of meditation. D. Why do we stand in prayer? E. Selflessness. D. Intuition and the mind. E. Love, Worship and Awe of G-d F. What is meant by light and spirit?  G. The five levels of the soul.; H. The five supernal universes.

Step Twelve:
A. Helping Others. B. Practicing the principles. C. What is the spiritual awakening? D. The group experience in carrying the message. E. Sponsorship. F. Making the Approach to the newcomer. G. Taking others through the steps.

Please register for a free in depth page by page study of the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book (First/Second Edition) with parallels from Jewish sources and Kabala.

For information and assistance please call 305-776-3794 or 305-776-3953